The adoption of digital technologies, including generative AI (GenAI), has profoundly impacted the nature of work and labour markets in India, offering new employment opportunities and increasing economic prosperity, but with unequal gains across different social groups. There is a great deal of uncertainty about the productivity potential and technological capabilities of GenAI, even as there is increased corporate interest in bringing GenAI into workflows.

Objectives of the Research

The inconclusive nature of the debate on the labour-related impacts of GenAI and the absence of any India-specific analysis in light of the increasing use of these technologies raises the question of how GenAI is expected to shape the future of work in India.

To parse some of these questions, Digital Futures Lab, with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung India’s support, undertook an exploratory study of GenAI’s impact on the future of work in India. We began with scanning the media and academic literature for signals of change and emerging trends on the subject. After this, we held a two-day foresight workshop in July 2024, bringing together 18 experts and practitioners from diverse disciplines and backgrounds to evaluate the likely impacts of GenAI on the future of work in India.

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We examined three core questions:

Key Outcomes

The discussions identified several first, second and third-order impacts of GenAI use in the workplace. A few are outlined below:

First-Order Impacts and Outcomes

Second Order Impacts and Outcomes

Third-Order Impacts and Outcomes

Tiny Tales

Workshop participants also engaged with three fictional stories to illustrate the potential impacts of GenAI on different groups of individuals. These stories focused on different scenarios – a future multi-stakeholder discussion held by the Education Minister to discuss the 2032 National Education Policy and incorporating GenAI in the education system; the impact of AI-generated voice content on regional language dubbing artists; and the usage of digital avatars by a new entrepreneur and the rights associated with them.

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Way Forward

Participants developed forward-looking policy artefacts, using certain levers that would lead to effective change. The levers of change focus on:

Based on these levers, participants created the following Policy Artefacts that offer desirable directions for future policy.